Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Vacation coming to an end

I'm on vacation in Georgia with my son. We are having a good time. We have seen most of the family, and have plans to see the rest of them before we leave on saturday. I had all sorts of things planned to do but the weather has been rainy and a lot of things are outdoors. I don't want to end up with a sick little one that I have to fly with. We have been to eat at lots of yummy places that we don't have in Vegas (Krystals, The waffle house, Zaxbys, Rockys, THE VARSITY, etc.) I've taken him to the city park a couple times, and to the megamaze indoor 3 story playground. We also went to the Georgia Aquarium. Mostly we've just been hanging out together, and relaxing! As our time here comes to an end reality is setting in. We're going home to a daddy/boyfriend that no longer has his job. I won't go into too many details, but the day after we left my boyfriend got paid. His paycheck was something a bachelor couldn't survive on. $140 for two weeks worth of work. Since my boyfriend was the main bread winner (starbucks is not a place to work if you wanna get rich!) I'm trying to think of things to cut out to help lessen the load. We are lucky in that our house is paid for, but there is still a lot of overhead to cover. What are some things you've cut back on or cut out completely? We have been lucky so far with the economic downturn, but I know we're about to face some tough times. We'll make it through it!


  1. *HUGS*
    @zoeyjane had a good post recently about living on a budget.

  2. God Bless you, Abbie! You are tough-stuff! You will make it through and God as my witness, I made it through 2 years on my own as a Starbucks Barista! I am sure you will be fine and make it through this. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. Oh that is such a rough thing. I'm glad you're able to go home and be with him again. The main thing I did to cut back on spending was my cable and my book habits. My bill for tv was like 200 bucks a month. I got a netflix account, started using the library's service and hulu, and reduced myself to basic cable. Saved myself like 150 a month. I've always been a HUGE book buyer. I love having a copy of everything I read. But I'm out of room,and was spending way too much money, so I started using the library more. I also use paperback swap to get rid of books I won't read again in exchange for something new. I know that's not particularly useful when you're looking to save SERIOUS money that a family is living on - but that has saved me a couple hundred dollars a month. Good luck, Abbie. I'm sorry you're coming home to bad news!
