Friday, November 20, 2009

It's that time of year..

When I was 17 I ran away from home. I got a plane, for the first time EVER and went to Canada. I thought I knew exactly what I was doing. I lived in North Bay, Ontario for a year. During the time that I was there Thanksgiving rolled around, and I figured I've helped my mom enough for years making dinner so I obviously could make my own up in that cold, cold place! I tried to make dressing. It was hard as a rock. I tried to make a turkey. It was dry as a bone. I tried to make pecan pie.. well.. it was just an ooey gooey mess. I remember that day like it was yesterday. It's hard to believe it's been TEN years. Needless to say, my thanksgiving dinner has improved TREMENDOUSLY. I would venture to say that I'm a pretty (awesome) good cook!
So, I thought I would share my thanksgiving menu
Turkey (obviously)
Cornbread Dressing (which I have mastered!)
Sweet Potato Souffle
Squash Casserole
Deviled Eggs with spicy brown mustard(!!)
Green Bean Casserole
AND Pineapple upside-down cake

In my family, Thanksgiving is not right unless you have a pineapple upside-down cake. My pawpaw used to make it every year. I'm sure my sister has stuff to add to this list, but that's JUST what I'M making. And since it's Thanksgiving time, I'm gonna add a list of things I am thankful for. I hope everyone has a great holiday season!

I am thankful for:
My boyfriend, Roy. We may not always see eye to eye on everything, but there isn't a moment that I ever truly doubt his love for me. And loving has got to be hard sometimes!

My sweet little man, Declan. Seeing such an amazing little boy every morning when I wake up, and knowing that he is mine.. I can never be thankful enough. In a lot of ways he saved my life.

My family: Mom, Dad, Sarah(sister), JJ(brother) and the rest of the bunch! You guys have always been there. Good, bad, and downright ugly. I know when the going gets tough I have my family to back me up, and keep me going.

My best friend, S. She and i have truly been to hell and back together. We have had times where we didn't talk for an extended amount of time, but I've ALWAYS known she is just a phone call away. I hope she knows the same it true for me. We share so much together. My hetero life partner.

I am also thankful to have a job still. I know how lucky I am. I am thankful for so many more things.. writing the whole list would take me hours!

Happy Holidays. Cling tight to the ones you love, and be thankful for what you have! It's not always about what we don't have.



  1. Neat post. Interesting to learn more about your life, and the menu sounds YUM.

    I started making Brussels sprouts with bacon a couple years ago. YUM. ;p

  2. I obviously should have come over to your house for Thanksgiving!
